I got this idea from How She Does. Super cute.
Ok, so I searched for about an hour through my clip art... and I found some that I thought were gargoyle-chic. Yeah, I made that up. A great way to find good FREE clip art is through fonts. DaFont is a great free font site. There is a section full of dingbat fonts that you can use as clip art!
I printed the image on regular paper and stapled it to 2 pieces of black card stock and started cutting.
I used an x-acto knife to get into the tight corners. I would recommend a less intricate image. This was not easy.
Here are the final cut out images. Next, I repossessed some black frames that I gave to my sister last month! Luckily, she hadn't put them up on her walls yet! I took two 5x7 frames. Then I went through the news paper to find big blocks of text to cut out. I tried to avoid color, images and big head lines.
I traced the back of the frame on the newspaper. I could have gotten a ruler but I am too lazy for that. Even though I had like 12 right around me.
The hardest part of this whole project was burning the newspaper. It burns fast and uneven so be careful!
To stabilize the thin newspaper, I used thick craft paper. I glued the newspaper to the craft with rubber cement but a regular glue stick will do. If you use liquid glue like Elmer's the newspaper will be bumpy it won't flatten.
So, glue the silhouette image on the newsprint.
And there you have it!!
Try it!! It's fun! :) Let me know how it turns out!
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