This sign is to hang outside in the courtyard. Do you think it will invite people to come in? JK.... Here we go.
You will need:
1. Some wood, cut how ever you want
2. Craft paper with the name of your "Dead & Breakfast" printed on it and other clip art you might want (don't forget the DaFont site with free fonts and dingbat fonts.)
3. Black paint
4. A lot of Mod Podge
5. S hooks, or something to hang it from. I used black ribbon and some brass circle hooks I found in my work room.
I found this old sign in a box buried deep in the basement! My mom thinks she grabbed this jem at one of her sisters garage sales... probably in the 80's (I hope you didn't want that, Patty!)
I taped some craft paper haphazardly together so it wouldn't look too neat. Then traced the wood sign on the paper and cut it out.
Spread the Mod Podge all over the wood then place the craft paper on top.
Then put more Mod Podge on top of that making sure to get in the cracks of the paper.
Place your printed peice on the wet Mod Podge and cover with more Mod Podge.
I noticed it started bubbling up so I put some weights on to flatten it. Place some wax paper down before you put the weights or books down to protect them from sticking together.
Cut out your additional clip art things and Mod Podge them together.
I noticed my "Buchanan's Dead & Breakfast Inn" was crooked. Ugh. So I printed another one, made it a little bigger, tore the edges and Mod Podged the heck out of it.
With black paint, make a border around your sign. Messy it up a little with a dry brush. That way, you won't have to worry if its not even.
If your black paint isn't glossy, you can put Mod Podge over that too.
And there it is.
I think I'm going to do something with glitter next....